Great Expectations

Great Expectations

Expectations can be like a 'double-edged sward'. On the one hand, they are a positive force, pushing us forward and giving us hope. By contrast, when let down by our unrealistic expectations, we can be left depressed and even combative! I see this in my day-to-day life, and sometimes in our stores. Let me explain..

The Bra Expectations

There is no garment that can be worn daily, with every outfit and every colour, with minimal washing and still look perfect after six months to a year. Some women believe that the bra is different, but ladies-there are no exceptions. Would you wear your favorite pair of shoes everyday, in rain or shine and expect them to still look new after an extended length of time?

The larger your breasts, the heavier they are (sometimes up to 15 lbs!) so after supporting and lifting them all day, your bra needs to take a break! This is why we stress the importance of building a bra wardrobe. Your bra needs a day after being worn to relax and return to it's shape (incidentally this is also true for shoes) similar to resting your muscles the day after an intense workout. And knowing that each bra has it's own purpose, you should have at least one different bra for every activity in order for them to last longer and give you the benefits we promise. It is imperative to hand wash your bra after every other wear if you want it to continue “preforming” as it was designed to. This way you are removing oils, sweat and dead cells from the Lycra.

hanging laundryFor many of our long-time customers, this is common knowledge, but you know it is not a practice widely adopted. You've had friends who wear a t-shirt bra to go for a run and you've seen lingerie thrown in the washing machine. We recently had a customer who was very upset that her one bra, a 34F, which she's worn every day for eight months and only washed almost every weekend!) had a small hole in it and was not supporting her the way it did when it was new. She felt that the bra did not measure up to her expectations and she was not happy with us.

I am aware building a bra wardrobe is an expense, but there is 'strength in numbers' so to speak. A properly fitted bra wardrobe will last you longer than each individual bra.

Our Linea Intima Bra Club helps you build a bra wardrobe and rewards your loyalty. With the purchase of 10 bras, you receive one free bra and 25% off the matching panty!

The Shapewear Expectations

We've all seen the tacky infomercials that spend an hour convincing you that if you take a pill or strap something around your abdomen for thirty days you will drop 5 dress sizes. We know these don't work (sometimes through trial and error) and we need to stop expecting that shapewear can miraculously transform our body to similar extremes, giving us a totally smooth silhouette without any “spillage”.

The truth is that any shaper has to “push” the extra body fat somewhere and unfortunately cannot preform a disappearing act (believe me, I personally wish it did!) However, shapewear can make a big difference and create an illusion if you choose the right style for both your body type and for the garments you're wearing it under.

We had a customer that purchased a dress on final sale that was way too tight and revealing for her body type (40E) however the dress shop had assured here that she would be able to find shapewear to make it fit much better. Needless to say, she was so disappointed to discover that the look and fit was not improved as she expected.

Please allow us to help you choose the right shaper for your body type and for the garment that you need, and keep an open mind to the result. We want you to look and feel good- at the end of the day you are our business card.

With the holidays and parties approaching, remember to shop for your undergarments-your true foundations, before you shop for that dreamy outfit. It will improve the shopping experience and will avoid disappointments.

Do you have a lingerie expectation story to share with me?

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